Working Groups

Working groups have been formed to develop solutions to industry-wide health and safety issues. The working groups in progress are noted below. Once a working group has completed their task the outcomes from the group are published as guidelines.

Asbestos Management

StayLive acknowledges that asbestos poses a serious risk in our workplaces. The risks of asbestos are often misunderstood as are the best ways to manage them. Consequently, controls may be ineffective or disproportionate for the risks. By working together, we hope to establish the right way to manage asbestos risks in our industry.

Emergency Response

The Emergency Response Working Group is focused on ensuring that when the worst happens the industry is ready and willing to work together to keep the power on and maintain public safety.

Industry Induction

The key outcome is an industry-wide induction module that provides essential, common knowledge to employees and contractors. 

Process Safety

The Process Safety Working Group is focused on ensuring that we broaden the understanding of process safety risks in the industry. We collaborate on methodologies to manage controls that both assist in preventing those risks from occurring and reduce the consequences if they do.

StayLive Competency Tool

March 2021 - Junction have rolled our a new version for the Safety Competency Tool over the past few weeks and continue to work with Vertical Horizons on how providers work with the tool. Workshops are in planning for late April/May for common sector contractors. Genesis have rolled out QR readers on all sites.

Work Control Procedures

March 2021 - The group received a 70% response to a survey on current training effectiveness. A draft roadmap was tabled for integration of WCP and GPG documents. A review and update of the WCP charter has been completed. A new draft format has been developed for stand-alone WCP documents.

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