StayLive was founded in 2011 by NZ's five largest electricity generators. Membership has since been extended to include Pioneer Energy, Transpower and the Electricity Engineers' Association as core members.
The StayLive initiative has seen competitor companies come together to pool their resources for the single objective to improve health and safety in the industry. The group meets formally every six weeks and the working group leaders provide updates on the current initiatives and where safety alerts and the lessons learned are shared and discussed. Where working groups are able to come to agreement on common approaches, guidelines are prepared for the industry.
The following companies initiate and lead work programmes, with full decision making rights:
The number of companies is limited to enable timely and effective decision making. Representatives from the companies comprise both health and safety managers and operations managers.
Associate membership is available to all other electricity generators. Associate members have free access to published materials, may participate in working groups, are able to influence work programmes, attend meetings (via confirmation through the StayLive Chair) and receive meeting minutes and associated information.
There is no cost to become an associate member of StayLive however it is expected that your organisation is registered as a corporate member of the EEA. You can find more information on joining the EEA on the EEA website.
If you are interested in registering as an associate member of StayLive please contact the StayLive Chair via the Contact Us form.
The following organisations are Associate Members of StayLive: